Ressources pour le TAL, en particulier pour les projets de L3
et M1 LI.
Ressources générales
- le
tagger Melt
- Gérer de grosses matrices creuses ("sparse") en Python:
package scipy. doc
notamment cf l'utilisation du format MatrixMarket pour stocker un graphe.
Ressources pour évaluation
Articles et documents
TextGraphs-4: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing,
ACL IJCNLP workshop (2009),
Philippe Muller, Nabil Hathout, and Bruno Gaume. Synonym extraction
using a semantic distance on a dictionary. In D. Boguraev and
R. Mihalcea, editors, Proceedings of the HLT/NAACL workshop
Textgraphs, New York, NY, 2006. Association for Computational
B. Gaume, N. Hathout, and P. Muller. Word sense disambiguation using
a dictionary for sense similarity measure. In Proceedings of Coling
2004, volume II, pages 1194-1200, Genève, 2004, Association for
Computational Linguistics.
Rada Mihalcea, Paul Tarau and Elizabeth Figa, PageRank
on Semantic Networks, with application to Word Sense
Disambiguation, in Proceedings of The 20st International
Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2004),
Véronis, J. (2004). Hyperlex : lexical cartography for information
retrieval. Computer, Speech and Language, 18 (3), 223-252.
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